Search Results for: DMI
NTE Podcast: Wow, Season 5 of NTE!!
That right folks, season 5 is starting off this week. Time really flies when you [...]
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for The Green Design Center At The Green Design Center, accessible from, [...]
NTE Podcast: Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) any help to us?
Oh boy, this is a hot, hot topic right now. People are stuck inside their [...]
NTE Podcast: December Mailbag
Jay and I take some excellent listener questions this week. Crawlspace moisture issues, tiling questions [...]
NTE Podcast: Our Own Personal Influencers
Last week, Jay and I talked about some of the more common myths and misconceptions [...]
NTE Podcast: Bathroom Projects
It’s that time of year. We’re getting antsy. We want to take on a project [...]
NTE Podcast: The Hidden Menace
NTE Podcast: The Hidden Menace. Inside of every home, there are obvious dangers and toxins that [...]
NTE Podcast: Plucked straight from the mailbag
By request, Jay and I tackle a few questions from the mailbag this week including, [...]
NTE Podcast: New Fall Product Releases
Here in Wisconsin, our summers are typically a bit shorter than most of the country. [...]
NTE Podcast: The Glue That Keeps it All Together
If you think about all the items that go into a new home build, most [...]
NTE Podcast: Taking a Pulse of the Healthy Building Industry
Jay and I were talking earlier this week about some trends in the healthy building [...]
NTE Podcast: When Jay and I need Inspiration or Information
Neither Jay nor I can ever admit to “knowing it all”. Far from it, in [...]
NTE Podcast: Adopting principals of Feng Shui to make your home a healthier space!
I’ll admit…Feng Shui has always been a little too ‘woo-woo’ for me. And if I [...]
NTE Podcast: Why Do We Keep Doing the Same Thing?
As the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and [...]
NTE Podcast: Starting a Healthy Home Related Business
Before I started GDC almost 30 years ago, I enlisted the help of a group [...]
NTE Podcast: The Mailbag Runneth Over!!
Admittedly, this is the absolute busiest time of the year for anyone in the construction [...]
NTE Podcast: Mold, IAQ, Renting…We’ve Opened Up the Mailbag!
Today’s episode is kind of a grab-bag, mail-bag show, where we tackle some questions from [...]
NTE Podcast: Testing a Home for Formaldehyde Release
With someone suffering from allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivities, formaldehyde release can be extremely dangerous [...]
Caliwel: Breaking Industrial Molds
Those who know me can certainly attest…I can, and often do, talk about building materials [...]
The formaldehyde discussion we never have…
Ive attended dozens of building related conferences in the last few years…even presented at a [...]
Sample Page
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay [...]